Saturday, February 11, 2012

Aunty Alianore's Corner: Volume I, Issue 2: Instant Gratification vs. Achievement

One of my worst qualities, as a gamer, is that I am not terribly competitive.  I have never been attracted to PvP games and you will rarely, if ever, see me in MilMo's Arena.  This does not mean that I do not like to win or kill a game critter, but I am more about interested in goals and achieving them.  This is one of the primary reasons why I loved MilMo from the beginning...the quests, the medals...something always to do in the game and unless it is a special game event, I can complete the goals in my own time.  And when I earn a new medal, I will promptly and proudly change my game title to reflect it.  I love the feeling of achievement, even if it is virtual achievement.  As I love to currently brandish my new Legendary Bow and Legendary Axe, I do remember how proud I was when I finally earned my Heroic Sword (a paltry weapon by comparison).  

This weapon speaks to the girl in me who does love golden accessories!

I will sheepishly admit, that I currently have not earned any Epic Weapons to-date.  I am continually amazed by players who complete a set of game medals in a few days to gain Epic Weapons.  I have been playing the game for over a year and have yet to earn the top medal in many of the weapon and enemy categories.  Why?  Well, the answer goes back to my introduction, I am not terribly competitive. 

I remember being a new player and being very impressed with other players who had earned some pretty cool stuff.  A sense of envy stole over me, but it motivated me to work on the next quest, find more exploration tokens, do what I had to do to move myself forward in the game.  Each achievement was so much fun and so rewarding, and it still is...and I suppose that is the heart of Aunty A's editorial.  

I recently had in-game the following conversation (not verbatim, just my condensing of what was said):
  • Player X:  Your stuff is so cool, I wish I had some of your stuff.
  • Alianore:  Thanks, it took some time, but it was worth it.  You will get there eventually.
  • Player X:  I do not know what to do, I think I am bored with this game.
  • Alianore (after looking at player profile, seeing they did not have all the exploration tokens):  Well, do you have any quests, or would you like to look for tokens?  Or would your rather work on some of your medals?
  • Player X:  Oh, I don't do quests and my level is not high enough to go to all the islands.
  • Alianore:  Well, if you worked on some quests, they can be helpful in leveling up.  BTW, why don't you do quests?
  • Player X:  I don't know, I don't want to do them but I want some cool weapons.
  • Alianore:  You do know that often the quests reward you with cool gear?
  • Player X:  Yeah, I just don't like doing them.  Will you help me level up?
I am flustered by players who are fairly new and want the best of everything that can be earned: RIGHT NOW.  Or, those who have raced to top out all of the medals and then proclaim they are bored with the game.  To the first group of players, to play the game is to enjoy work toward a goal and you are rewarded with that cool stuff you see that other players have.  Let it motivate you, a level 10 player with a powerful weapon may still have trouble with monsters that are a higher level than yourself.  

And for the latter group: so you didn't sleep for a week so you could claim you maxed the medals in X number of days, you have received your congrats in the forum for your cool achievements, you have completed all there is to do until the next update or game event, and now you want to proclaim your boredom with the game?  There is no timeline for medals (except special events) so why do this to yourself?  If you love the game, then love the game.  I will admire your achievements, but it makes me unhappy when people express boredom as if there is some sort of flaw with the game.  Setting a decent pace keeps the game interesting always...and while you are working at that pace, lo and behold! a new update is released.  Something new to do!  And if you find yourself at lose ends in the game, then go help a new player...

I will someday earn those epics and that cool gear that comes with the monster medals, but in my own time.  And maybe, I just like to spread out the sense of achievement over time.  Bragging rights are not what I am looking for out of MilMo, just to have a good time, help others, chat with my friends, and maybe earn another medal if I have enough time that day.  Instant gratification is fleeting, and while the community will give congratulations when you achieve something awesome, bragging rights are only good until someone else has something to brag about.  

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