Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Island Survey, Part I: Summertide Saga

In a continuing vein of thought regarding Junebud's brainstorming last week**, one of the Twitter queries posed was in regard to player thoughts regarding which game islands we did or did not like and why.  My response was that I think all of the the islands have both pros and cons, and that I needed to blog on the topic as Twitter has that nasty character limit that frustrates the hyber-verbose (yours truly).  Although the developers have probably moved on to other issues, I still want to put in my two cents....

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monday Fun: Hanging out with the Rockers

Just a short picture montage of some of my favorite people in MilMo...they looked so cute grouped together I had to stage photo shoot.
The Stairway to Heaven....

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

So today marks the one-month anniversary of All About Milmo...this is such a fun small achievement for me, I mean before I was married I dated people for shorter periods of time!

I will mark the occasion with a little something special, a contest with a free game giveaway...let me get a little rest and I will think on it and post later in the day.

Alia's Interviews: Trolling Lessons with the King

Since I decided to go public with my blog I started hounding my game friends to help out with guest blogging or other types of submissions...when that made a few nervous, the persistent Aunty A decided she was going to run people down to the ground and make them talk!  Some force was used, maybe a few bribes, and now results are starting to trickle in...

While I have the "Mother of all Interviews" to appear soon, I am going to start this blog segment with the "Son of all Interviews."  Victim #1: im ur king.

As one of the few players who have a working friend list at the moment, im ur king was able to show up to my "pad" (new phrase he learned from me today) where the grilling could begin.
Like any good gamer, im ur king was distracted by the
Retro Console so I had to get him back on track!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things, Installment 5: Event Reruns

One of the things that always makes me a little blue is the thought that I have missed out on something that everyone (or so it seems) got to see and/or do.  And for much of the time last calendar year, I was unable to complete some of the game's special events due to life circumstances, etc.
So empty!  The void in my medal count
is a like a void in my heart.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Talent of MilMo Players

In the game forum and in Facebook's Unofficial Group, so many players show their love of the game through their creative talents.  I so enjoy the creative-types and their posts...mostly because I admire their talent but also because I could not draw a thing that would anyone would recognize if my life depended upon it.  

One of our group's most talented artists, who I personally refer to as "my Miss Kazey Kat" has graciously agreed to let me share some of her artwork with the greater internet community.  Look for my exclusive interview with Kaz in a later post, but for right now let me just say that she is  one of the best people I have made friends with in the game and I am one of her biggest cheerleaders in her quest to someday have a career in animation.
Kazey's MilMo avatar, Anime-style!
(Copyright Kazey J.F.)
Look for more of Kazey's art to be regularly shown here!

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Idea File: Player Retention & Incentives

As Aunty A was gulping her morning coffee this past Wednesday in attempt to jolt herself awake for another day at the salt mines, the fabulous Devs at Junebud were in full brainstorming mode with ideas and questions about our favorite game.  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Alia's Reviews: Update 46 The Sun Parade

As promised nearly a month ago, I have finally committed myself to writing up my review of the Update 46: The Sun Parade.  A nod to our many Brazilian players, this update is for all MilMo players (both EN and BR) to experience a little of the fun of Brazil's Carnival now matter where in the world you may be.  The Sun Parade Update is the best of what any game update for MilMo can be...a new NPC (Bella), a new limited-time monster, new medals to add to our medal tally, and my personal favorite: a converter! 
Something new has arrived in Seastar
transport players to the fun of Carnival!