Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Talent of MilMo Players

In the game forum and in Facebook's Unofficial Group, so many players show their love of the game through their creative talents.  I so enjoy the creative-types and their posts...mostly because I admire their talent but also because I could not draw a thing that would anyone would recognize if my life depended upon it.  

One of our group's most talented artists, who I personally refer to as "my Miss Kazey Kat" has graciously agreed to let me share some of her artwork with the greater internet community.  Look for my exclusive interview with Kaz in a later post, but for right now let me just say that she is  one of the best people I have made friends with in the game and I am one of her biggest cheerleaders in her quest to someday have a career in animation.
Kazey's MilMo avatar, Anime-style!
(Copyright Kazey J.F.)
Look for more of Kazey's art to be regularly shown here!

1 comment:

  1. i really inspired from my gaming home place which is: " Milmo" and this is how i express my love for the game xD turning them in anime version xD
