Sunday, June 24, 2012

Alia's Reviews: Feeling Sinister? A New MilMo Update

Now the good folks at Junebud gave Update 51 a different name than my catchy post title...but the new content with this update lets those of the dark and moody bent express themselves with some pretty tough looking gear.  And it all begins with a little lockbox....
The Sinister Lockbox!

When I read up on this new update and started playing to see all the new stuff, I had exactly two thoughts:
  • Someone in Sweden must have been listening to my prayers and decided to give us new of Alia's Favorite Things.
  • There was some devilishly smart thinking behind this new update in that it goes a long way to address some of the complaints/problems as of late, but I will get to that later.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Minha Amiga

Being without the Friend List on MilMo has caused several grumbles among players for the last few months.  Now, I both miss the feature and am glad that we do not have it, but the reasons for that are too esoteric for this post.  However, one of the many benefits of being a game GM is our ability to find other players, and it is with great joy that I found my fellow partner-in-game and very good friend Vanny this evening!