Sunday, March 4, 2012

Alia's Reviews: Update 46 The Sun Parade

As promised nearly a month ago, I have finally committed myself to writing up my review of the Update 46: The Sun Parade.  A nod to our many Brazilian players, this update is for all MilMo players (both EN and BR) to experience a little of the fun of Brazil's Carnival now matter where in the world you may be.  The Sun Parade Update is the best of what any game update for MilMo can be...a new NPC (Bella), a new limited-time monster, new medals to add to our medal tally, and my personal favorite: a converter! 
Something new has arrived in Seastar
transport players to the fun of Carnival!
The delay in this review is occasioned by real life getting in the way, and taking the time to meet the requirements for all of the medals this update added to our profiles.  As I have mentioned before, I am not terribly competitive and am happy to complete special events in my own good time...but as with any limited-time event, even I have to get the lead out before the opportunity goes away.  And from my post from the day of the update's release, I prefer to wait a bit after the worst of the competition has passed on so that I may complete my quests and medals without any frustration.  

Just me and the Songbirds, ready to take each other
on at Cozyville.
Both the quest and the medal requirements came from the two special additions to the game for this event: Songbird Feathers and Abalone Shells.  While the three killing medals (Peep Prodder, Coo Contender, and Nest Master) were easy enough to achieve by slaying Songbirds located on four of the island in Summertide Saga, the three collection medals (Shiny Shell Collector, Lustrous Lookout, Iridescent Sonar) were a little more time-consuming.  What was extremely helpful in this quest was that the abalone shells washed up on all of the beaches in Summertide Saga, so you could stop to pick up a few as you travel along through the island grabbing coins, etc.
Still a ways to go....just hope someone does not
find my secret abalone shell honey spot.
But in the end, once the shells were collected I got to sigh with relief and remark to myself "well, that wasn't so bad."  If nothing else than the time invested in collecting shells, I was able to collect enough beach debris that I was able to finish a converter in my bag that is going to be featured in my new outfit I will be sporting for Spring Break, as well as keep Snipper happy with his repeatable quest.  Although my "F" key might be a little worse for the wear...
What lengths a girl will go to complete a medal...getting to
use my favorite Jump (space bar)+F maneuver.
In the end, I finally gained the Event Medal.  And some nifty bombs to set off whenever the mood strikes me.  I love the animation of these new confetti puts me in mind of the confetti that is thrown around during the Fiesta celebration in San Antonio, Texas.
I think I am going to save these for some happy
game occasion, or maybe release them to celebrate
being with my friends in game.
As with many of the special event updates, not only is there the event completion medal but you return to the event NPC and get a really groovy converter.  
Thank goodness I just new a few more feathers,
more shells might have made me a little crazy!
Once completed the mask can accompany any number of groovy clothing items that have been added to the cash shop.  Although I must confess, I am a little disappointed to not have a sparkly bikini top and some outrageous tail feathers to pair up with the mask.  But I can understand them not being included with the cash shop additions, a simple Google search is all I need as a reminder that this game is geared toward the younger set and may not be appropriate.  So, as I conclude this first event review, I will head to bed with only mental visions of myself running around MilMo with my legendary armbands lighting the way with my tailfeathers bouncing behind.

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