Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things, Installment 4: Swamp Island

When I first started playing MilMo one of the very best things was getting to advance to a new island to see what new mysteries were awaiting me.  Now that I have been everywhere that is available to date in the Summertide Saga, Mice & Maniax, and Air World...the fun is now in hunting around these familiar places for coins and maybe working on some of those monster and weapon medals.

Each island and world has its own challenges and things to do, but I have to admit one island is my very favorite place to visit each time I play: Swamp Island.

Despite the fog and bubbling pools of ooze, such a pretty vista!

A New Addition to the Panda Girls' Club

In the game, many players often come together because of shared interests, "inside jokes" that they have, or for general friendship and camaraderie.  Often you might see players refer to each other in familial terms (mom, dad, sister, etc.) or by issuing a rally call to their friends.  I too have a few groups of friends, but one of the most special of them to me is the Panda Girl's Club.  

This club, which I have mentioned before, is formed of three women who are bound by our love of the game, our *ahem* similar ages, and by the fact that our busy lives lead us to have very long days to squeeze it all in.  We are all women who work, have families, and find time every day to play a little MilMo.  We also all happen to be game GMs.    

If you follow any of us on Twitter, you may from time to time see our rally calls/ shout outs to each other (sticky, sticky sweetness), and it is because of one such communication that the perennially adorable and helpful GM SrEdu was feeling a little left out.  Well, even though SrEdu does not meet the membership requirements (being a male can be a disadvantage sometimes!), us girls feverishly worked together to find a place for such a favorite person to each of us!

Guest Blogger: A Day in the Life of Sobe

Ok, so, Sobe had a grand time diving in real life for 4 days……….

When she crawled into Milmo… her hands were shivering, she dropped her V Axe many times.

Hmmmmm that is the effect of Milmo Withdrawal Symptoms….. at least that is what I think Doctor Quack told Sobe.

Sigh….. Sobe had to dive on the day after the release of Carnival Event…… so, she would need to catch up on the event.
But first things first……. Grab my box from home…….=D

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Taking It To The Streets...And A Very Good Idea

BR's newest GM willdoug is thinking he may take me up on my
Guest Blogging challenge, Painnaski is a little harder to convince,
but I am making some headway!
So in addition to today's coin run and a little GM activity, I was busy hitting up my MilMo friends to come join the fun and share a little of their MilMo love with our readers.  I have had a nibble from the fabulous iiFlipii, so I am anxiously awaiting that submission!

Busy, Busy, Busy...Help!

Fellow MilMo friends...I have been away from the game for a few days and will continue to be so because it is exam week for my students.  Thus, I am busy coordinating and grading my students and am ruthlessly denied the time to play my favorite game (sadness).

Fear not!  For I will be back in short bits this week, and please look out for my coming review on Update 46.  And the information mill has let us know that we look forward to a new update tomorrow!  Holy moly!  It is Christmas in February.

But I am sending out another appeal to my readers...I could really use some guest bloggers to help out in these busy times.  I know you all out there have something to say about the game, so send me your ideas about what you would like to submit.  Send me an email (link found in my profile).


Aunty A

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things, Installment 3: Retro Console

I have had the Retro Console Converter for about 2 months now (dropped by those mean 'ol crabs on The Eternal Monument) and I thought I would never get it done!  What was taking so long was getting my hands on those pesky Iron Scrap Converters.  But today I was able to finally complete this groovy sound machine.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Aunty Alianore's Corner, Volume I, Issue 4: Negative to Postive

I will write a review of Update 46: The Sun Parade! in a later post, but for now I want to discuss the very best and slightly not-so-best things about a new game update.  

One thing all MilMonauts love is a game update.  A new update means new quests, new avatar bling, sometimes some new critters to kill, maybe a new island or world area, and if we are very lucky (as is the case of this event) some new medals to earn.  And when a update is launched, an inevitable flurry of activity occurs in game.  You see regular players in and out of the islands pursing the next quest and the more casual players logging back in to take part because they were waiting for something new to do in the game.  In many ways, a new update is like a family reunion of sorts...the return of friends new and old, all back to take part.  Aside from the anticipation of seeing what the new update provides players, it is the reunion that can also make an update something to look forward to.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Distractions for an Unwell Girl

Stuck at home again today with a stomach/flu bug, and the good people have Junebud have so graciously released Update 46 for the EN players!  Aunty A is going to be busy today distracting herself from her the icky feelings by playing and updating the Unofficial Wiki.  Hope you all have fun too!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Secret Confessions of a GM-in-Training

If you read my maiden blog post, then you should know that I am a Junior GM for MilMo and that I consider it to be such a wonderful honor to be considered for such a responsibility.  
Level, GM Badge, &  Membership  Icons

Happy Valentine's Day!

Golly Junebud, how did you know my favorite Valentine's gift was jewelry?  Now if I had a converter I could fashion it into a ring!  

A Few of My Favorite Things, Installment 2: Coin Runs

Collecting coins on Water Lily Island, now if we could get a Piranha medal... 
I love a daily reward and we get that in MilMo in the form of gold coins that we can spend in the cash shop.  Unlike other games, you can miss a day of game-play and you will not lose out on an extra bonus because gold coins are not progressive.  The only thing you miss is your 8 gold coin/island a day collection.  

Top 9 Signs that you Might be Addicted to MilMo

The creative juices were trickling rather than flowing this afternoon, so I could not make the list a standard "Top 10."  Regardless, 

Support, Support...

There might problems today....
I have been using computers since about the moment everyday folk could purchase them and put them in their homes, and because a lady should never have disclose her age...let us just say that these were the days when your screens were black and your cursor was a flashing, bright green underscore.  

Mobile MilMo Woes

During the work week, Aunty A will not be posting as much about her fave game, mostly because she has to earn money, feed people in her household, drive the mom taxi, and so the list goes on.  Often, during the week, Alianore finds herself spending countless hours twiddling her thumbs waiting outside some institution that is improving my child's abilities in the Fine Arts.  (BTW she is a MilMo fiend as well, because I am like the best mom evah!)

About two months ago I bought a super phone, one that lets me connect to all manner of online content whether I am at home or backpacking in the Pyrenees.  It is wonderful, but there are Unity Mobile plug-in, I cannot seem to write blog posts, and navigating the forum is a bit of a trial.  So how does a MilMo addict deal with the separation anxiety from an available laptop?  Suggestions are kindly accepted in the comments.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sharing the Limelight

I am pretty certain that it is immediately obvious, good 'ol Aunty A has plenty to say about MilMo.  But this old girl would love to hear other voices as I know we all have some pretty awesome things to say and editorialize about our favorite game.  So, if you would like to be a contributor, drop me an email with your ideas be they of the written or graphic variety and I can host your musings (if you are shy) or let you have at it with our audience.  

Aunty Alianore's Corner, Volume I, Issue 3: Cultural Bridges & Language

Now the challenge is to learn how to saying these greetings properly...

As with many online games, MilMo attracts players from around the world leading to a incredibly cool international community.  A great part of my personality loves this aspect of gaming in general because I am perennially curious.  I love to learn about other's cultures, traditional foods, and if I am very lucky...someone will teach me a new phrase in a language I do not speak.  When I first began to play the game, most of the players used English, and over the past year more and more foreign languages are seen in game.  For me, this is very cool because I have studied many languages (many solely for reading comprehension purposes related to my studies) and I like to see how much I can reason out of what is being discussed in the game chat.***  Of course, not everyone who plays feels the same way as I do and that has sometimes caused conflict among players.

A Few of My Favorite Things, Installment 1: Converters

While many players eagerly hope a monster drops a red, silver, or gold lock box, my favorite monster drops are Converters.  I love crafting new clothing, household items, and weapons.  

As far as I am concerned, there just needs to be more converters in the game.  In fact, my next post in the Game Suggestions thread is going to be for a Design-a-Converter contest.  

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Membership has its rewards...

I hope I do not get in trouble for advertising copyright infringement with my title, but there is much controversy over one of new member quests offered in Update  45.  As I have stated my opinion on the controversy in this forum post, there is no need to revisit the topic here. 

Frankly, I love the new quest!  I gladly paid my $25US for a Lifetime Membership a month ago because it was a good investment for me as I love the game and will play it as long as it lives (or I do)!  Now, this new quest, upon completion has a lucrative reward: 50 gold coins and is repeatable to boot!  Whereas there is some players questioning the "fairness" of the quest, I would rather think of it as the game developers rewarding the players who support the game both by our playing and our financial support.  

As much as I love the free-to-play aspect of the game, and because I have opted to spend some of my hard-earned money...I have never lost sight of the fact that the very awesome Junebud that brings us MilMo is a business that employs people.  So, thanks for the rewarding quest!  

Aunty Alianore's Corner: Volume I, Issue 2: Instant Gratification vs. Achievement

One of my worst qualities, as a gamer, is that I am not terribly competitive.  I have never been attracted to PvP games and you will rarely, if ever, see me in MilMo's Arena.  This does not mean that I do not like to win or kill a game critter, but I am more about interested in goals and achieving them.  This is one of the primary reasons why I loved MilMo from the beginning...the quests, the medals...something always to do in the game and unless it is a special game event, I can complete the goals in my own time.  And when I earn a new medal, I will promptly and proudly change my game title to reflect it.  I love the feeling of achievement, even if it is virtual achievement.  As I love to currently brandish my new Legendary Bow and Legendary Axe, I do remember how proud I was when I finally earned my Heroic Sword (a paltry weapon by comparison).  

Lacking the Creative Gene...

I actually have marked on my calendar the latest game contest.  The final date is coming soon, and I have had an idea since the day it was announced.  But have I completed it...NOOOOOO.  Why?  Largely self-doubt and the realization that I am not as witty or creative as I need to be.

Aunty Alianore's Corner: Volume I, Issue 1: Game Gifts

For my first editorial, I would like to address an issue that has been writing itself in my head for a few months...the asking and giving of in-game gifts.

As is the case with many online games, the player is sorely tempted by the offerings in a premium shop.  In these shops you find ultra-cool weapons that will slay any foe, clothing that makes other players exclaim "where did you get that, you look awesome!," and other various power-ups and abilities.  In this aspect MilMo is no different.  With gold coins found in game, a player can save up and buy all manner of really excellent stuff.  There have been several complaints that in the game Cash Shop--in a game is targeted toward younger players--that it is "unfair" that some of the cool stuff requires actual cash to purchase.  Aunty A has some things to say about that, but look for that editorial later...

My MilMo Beginnings and the Purpose of this Blog

This blog is dedicated to one of my favorite online games: MilMo.  

About a year ago, I was on Facebook playing the social games that keep me diverted when I need a little downtime and noticed a sidebar ad for a game called MilMo.  Normally I ignore Facebook advertisements because they are frankly annoying by always wanting me to pursue another degree, take care of my unwanted body fat, or encouraging me to "like" some processed food product.  Now, I cannot say why I even noticed the ad for this game proclaiming itself to be "the first 3D game on Facebook!" but what I do know is that when I navigated to another Facebook link there was that ad again.  And as my crops were still growing, the food was still cooking on the stoves, and I had addressed all my friend requests...I thought, "hmmm, maybe I will check this out."